Moving your entire family to a new home is both exciting and overwhelming. If you have young kids, a day at the park means extra planning and preparation to get through it. Moving with kids requires the same. We have great tips to help make the transition easier for you and your family.

  • Help them feel included on the move. Tell your kids as soon as you can that you are relocating and let them help make decisions such looking at homes with you and picking out paint colors for their new room.

  • If you’re having a moving sale, allow your kids to keep any of the money they make for items they get rid of to use for something for their new room.
  • If you can, visit the area before moving so your kids can get to know the new neighborhood. If you’re not able to visit, use a map application to scope out the community and find places you’ll visit when you move. This gives them something to look forward to.
  • Set aside time for family and keep to your usual routine as much as possible. This will help make the move feel less chaotic and focus on family first.

  • If your child is very young, hiring a babysitter or leaving with family during packing and move out can give you the time to focus on the move at hand.

  • Allow them to decorate the boxes of their belongings.

  • Pack them an overnight bag so first night in their new home they have everything they need. Also include their favorite items, toys, and games so things can begin to feel normal in the new setting.
  • Pack your child’s room last and unpack it first. This will also give them a space that is comfortable for them to hang out in while you’re still unpacking the new home.
Depending on the child’s age and the reason behind the move, some may have more difficulty than others with the experience. We hope these tips help make them feel a little more comfortable and excited about this new adventure.